The EFAPI application (Online Delivery of Customs Files) is a command line application, which allows Economic Operators, Authorised Customs Clearance Entities and others, to send and receive files to and from the SFA system (Automobile Taxation System), STADA (System for the Automatic Processing of Customs Declarations) Import, Export, Transit (NSTI - New Computerised Transit System) and ECSDSS (Export ControlSystem - Exit Summary Declaration), via the Customs Portal of the AT - Tax and Customs Authority.

Format Description Version Date
EFAPI-Windows.exe For Windows 2.0.19 15-01-2024
EFAPI-Macos.dmg For Mac 2.0.19 15-01-2024 For Linux 2.0.19 15-01-2024 Other Systems 2.0.19 15-01-2024